Monday, October 5, 2009

ImHalal the new Google yo!

For the first time now, there is an Islamic search engine which aims at providing a general purpose search that is free of "haram" content, i.e. offensive contents (ehem ehem) that contradicts with Islamic laws and beliefs. The search engine is wisely called, and i bet we will see widely increased interest in such a service from conservative people, and parents who wants to keep their kids off the harmful web contents. 

There's an article from Times Online which has an interesting article about ImHalal. It says "a new search engine designed to help Muslims navigate the web without running into potential "sinful" material. So guys you better be careful better take a note on this yea. 

The service was developed by the Dutch company AZS Media Group. Hehe. You hear that? A Dutch company! I bet they're muslims. Currently ImHalal functions in 15 different languages, and the developers expect it to really take off in the Middle East.

ImHalal works like any other search engine, you type in a keyword and hit enter, except, here if you enter a potentially risky word you will get a message telling you the level of risk you will be exposed to if you run the search. Results deemed to level 3 out of 3 will not run at all. 

To reach it's HALAL goal, the site seems to be using two method. One is by filtering out "Haram" sites and contents, and this can be seen clearly from the image search, which is still in Beta. When searching for various keywords or celebrity names for example, results from are much more decent in this regard than Google and Yahoo in their strict mode. 

Happy "safe" searching guys! literally for guys! haha but yea this is serious! Internet could be one place where most of the syaitan are now usually hang out especially in this modern world! Allahuma ajirnie minnannar (Jauhkan kami dari Neraka jahannam)

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Daily Hadith - Supplicating for Deceased

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "When An-Najashi died, the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, 'Pray for forgiveness for him.'" [Jami At-Tirmidhi - sahih hadith]

We learn here that on being informed about someone's death with the utterance of "we belong to Allah/ inna lillah", one should also supplicate for his/her forgiveness, so that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) may forgive us as well.