Saturday, October 31, 2009

Who is Mahram?

Thanks to Amatullah for giving some good comment from our previous topic "Bi'da dalam perkahwinan orang Melayu". He mentioned that Fatwa Mufti Kerajaan (1994-5) book had discussed about this and he had quoted word by word from the book. Very interesting indeed. Please see the comment from this topic.

Amatullah had inspired ana to post another subject related to the previous topic. As ana have highlighted from the comment section with regards to privately holding a majlis bersanding where non-mahram are not allowed.

To continue discuss this matter, ana sure most of you know that does mahram means and some people don't. Honestly ana myself are one of the "some people". Ana not so sure who actually are those mahram people other than your immediate family such as brother, sister, uncle, aunties. I guess this is when wikipedia comes in handy. Before ana even discussed about the definition of Mahram, let's have a quick comparison between the word "Mahram" and "Muhrim"shall we?

Found one indonesian blog (Rahmat blog) which has briefly define these two words:

"Muhrim dalam bahasa Arab adalah muhrimun mim di-dhammah yg makna adalah orang yg berihram dalam pelaksanaan ibadah haji sebelum tahallul. Sedangkan Mahram bahasa Arab adalah mahramun mim di-fathah. Mahram ini berasal dari kalangan wanita yaitu orang2 yg haram dinikahi oleh seorang lelaki selama"

to be continued..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

OTHER STORIES: Bibles seized as Malaysia minorities fear fundamentalism

Subhanallah. What is happening here? Bible using the word "Allah" as a replacement to the word "God". Even though Allah means God in Arabic but the word is exclusive to Islam. This is one of the ways for the Kuffar trying to lure and confuse our Muslim brother in Malaysia between Islam and Christianty and therefore trying to pull them to christianity. May Allah guide them.

For full article from CNN please follow the link below:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bid'ah dalam perkahwinan orang melayu


I'm not going to say much on this topic because i well let Dato Ustaz Ismail Kamus quickly brief you through all the Bid'ah activities that has been going on for centuries, especially in our country. You will find this lecture hard to believe but knowing that Dato Ismail Kamus is one of the leading one of the most well known malay Ustaz that we look up to and listen to, i'm sure whatever finding he has found as a result of his lecture, are all coming from Katib-kitab yang sahih and valid belaka.

Another video relating to Marriage in Islam. Baba Ali!

Questions that you want to post to your potential wive

Friday, October 23, 2009

Celebrating Birthdays is HARAM

Assalamu'alaykum borthers and sisters,

Keifel hal? (How are you?) I hope all of you are in good health under the care of Allah Azzawajal. If you're not in good health then Salamtak (get well soon). This time i want to share with you about a topic known to many and celebrated by many, that is birthdays. I don't have elaborate much further as the subject speaks itself.

I have come acrossed a lecture by our Lebanon-Australian brother who have given a lecture on a topic called Forbidden Lecture. Masya Allah i wish i can share it with you and make you realise how far we have been deviated from the straight path, without us knowing Astaghfirullah. But for this particular topic on "Birthdays" i have managed to extract the part where he talks about birthdays. So without wasting any much of your time i have uploaded it to youtube. Enjoy and May Allah guide you Insya Allah. Ittaqillah (Fear of Allah).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Car loan - what happen if you die? Who is going to pay?

Have you actually check you car insurance coverage lately? or probably never. I strictly recommend you to revisit your insurance with your car insurer (bank). Alhamdulillah i just found out about this. Just ask your self this..what happen if you die? (NOT but car accident but other causes) what will happen to the loan that you currently having with the bank for the first time you bought your car? do you think the bank will just let it go and pity you? the answer is NO! that is the reason why they have the Next of Keen field in the form the first time you applied your car insurance. I guess.

However some car insurer, like IDBB Takaful sendirian berhad they do cover and pay the remaining loan for your car if you are destined to die before you finish paying your monthly car loan. Shaykh Khalid Yasin had once said, "everyday you wake up, you are not closer to your goals, to your objective in life in Dunya (dunia), but you are close to death. Everyday you are closer to death. Even babies, orphan dies. Let alone us who have lived here for 20-60 years. From the womb to the tomb!"

Alhamdulillah both of my car got covered by IDBB Takaful.

WHAT ABOUT YOURS? Please check. May Allah guide all of us. "Ihdinassirotal mustaqim" Amin.

"To Allah (Almighty God) we belong, and to Him is our return." (Holy Qur'an 2:156)

Imam Ali (pbuh) says: "If man will see how speedily his death is coming toward him he will abhor ambitions and will give up admiring the world."

Below i have taken the information from Mufti's book (Monetary Issue published in 2000). Here's what it says hukm of car insurance in Islam.

Series: 29/1991

Question: Life and Car Insurance

Can we buy insurance, for example, life insurance and car insurance, managed by non-believers (kafir) or by Muslims and what is the hukm (ruling) on it?

The justification: In order to comply with the traffic laws and to provide aid and assistance to the family of the deceased who may be poor or facing difficulties with regards to the future of their children.

It is acceptable to buy car insurance so as to comply with the laws of the country because to do so is considered an exigency.

Life Insurance - is it Haram?

At the moment i'm reading a book by our Mufti Kerajaan specifically on the life insurance area. From my reading so far I can conclude that it's haram. But let me just finish it first.

You can check out at Mufti's homepage at the link below:

Ok done! Here i will post you the exact content from the book wrt to life insurance from Mufti's perspective. I leave it to you to judge.

Reference: Monetary Issue 
Year of published: 2000
Published by: State Mufti's Office
ISBN: 99917-33-22-1
Starting page: 493

Series 17/1973
Question 1: The Hukm on Life Insurance

What is the hukm (tuling) in Islam with regards to life insurance?
According to those well-informed on matters of life insurance"

The insurance company repays to the insurance policy holder all payments he has made to the company plus an amount exceeding these payments.
(This happens) when the insurance policy holder lives to pay all payments due from the beginning to the end (until the policy matures).

Undoubtedly, the payment made by the company to the insurance policy holder, apart from being repayment of the payments made from the beginning to the end, is riba (usury) or interest.

The insurance company has used part of the money paid by the insurance policy holders to give loans to others by charging interests and making profits. Insurance policy holders are therefore helping insurance companies to carry our riba.

Due to the above two reasons, insurance is not accepted in Islam. Wallah hu'alam.

Series 40/1975
Question 2: Involvement In Life Insurance

What is the hukm (ruling), from the point of view of shara', on any kind of insurance, including a Muslim who is involved in life insurance matters. 

The insurance available today is a western method of transaction, implicit within it are gambling and usury. Therefore, those who are involved in insurance groups are either partaking in riba or receiving wealth from gambling.

If the insurance policy holder lives to an age agreed upon between him and the insurance company (until the policy matures), and he has paid all premiums that were due, the insurance company will then repay all premiums paid by him, plus a certain amount based on a certain rate, together with the premiums. This must surely be riba and interest. Should the insurance policy holder die before the agreed date, (before the policy matures), the compaby will pay to the heirs an amount similar to that agreed upon even though he has not paid any premium yet. According to hukm, this is gambling.

Furthermore, the company invests the premiums, or part of it, in riba practices such as issuing loans with interest or riba. The person paying the premiums is therefore helping the company to carry out riba or charge interests and riba. Interests are transgressions and are great sins, and Allah has threatened war against the perpetrators of riba. 

According to the Hanafi school, entering into a contract involving riba or gambling, and similar activities, is prohibited in Islam and is clearly haram (unlawful) but if it is in a kafir (non-believers') country, and the payments are also received in the kafir state, then it is permissable and possible, should there be a willingness amongst the Muslims (those allowed to enter the kafir state) and the kafir, but it is haram and it is not permissable to enter into a fasid (immoral) contract, a gambling and riba contract, and other similar contracts, among Muslis and the kafir, and to receive the payments whilst both are residing in a Muslim state. This is because a Muslim country is where Islamic hukm is practised. That is what we understand from what was said by Sheikh Fuqaha' Mesti Al-'Allamah Ash-Sheikh Muhammad Bakhit, Mufti of Egypt, who dies in the year 1345 Hijrah Rahimahullah Ta'ala.

To buy a life insurance policy on a whim and fancy while expecting profits and benefits from it is wrong and batil (invalid) and a sin because life insurance and assuring the life of a person cannot be done by a company or a doctor or an economist. Only Allah Ta'ala knows the life span of a person and no other being has knowledge of it. Everybody knows this.

The company is actually trying to get business and profits by means of gambling, guessing and speculating and therefore their effort is batil and wrong from the point of view of Islam. It is the devouring of the wealth of others through riba (usury) and gambling.

Life insurance is a contract which is fasid (void), it cannot be included in dhaman (guaranty) or kafalah (bail) contracts and to practise a contract which is fasid is a great sin, as stated by Al-Imam Ibnu Hajar and other iama; while halal wealth is blessed.

So what do you think? I have withdrawn all my life insurance and investment policy from this life insurance company in Brunei (don't want to mention the name of the company).

But the funny thing is, i have heard from some people, even the insurance company agent himself told me that Life Insurance company such as AIA, was actually approved by the State Mufti Office and they do regular visits on these companies now and then to see their way of transactions. Wallahu 'alam. Not sure to believe it or not. 

Another thing he mentioned that Brunei Life Insurance company such as AIA is not Takaful certified, not like AIA in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Here's a link wrt to AIA Malaysia get international takaful operator licence:

This is all so confusing for me. Takaful operator licence????
I mean aren't all life insurance all are Haram?? as mentioned in the Mufit's book??

What about the Islamic bank such life insurance?? like in TAIB or BIBD? i heard it's compliant with the syariah (islamic ruling)

Anyway i have given you all the best insight of our life insurance in Brunei. Whether we're gaining or loosing for not joining it, i'll leave it to you to judge. I have raised every known issue that i can think of on the table. Insya Allah will pray Solat Istikharah to let Allah decide and bring guidance to our daily life transactions. (Who knows best).


Thursday, October 8, 2009

The many ways to ask for Allah's forgiveness

I would like to share with you only some of the many ways for Allah to forgive your sins, whether in past or in the future. Of course, we're as a human being cannot escape from doing sins, those that we are aware of, and of course those that we're not aware of. But will our 5 daily prayers would be enough to forgive all of our sins? Will Allah forgive for all the sins that we have done, whether it's a major sins or minor sins. We do not know. It all depends on our SINCERITY masa kitani berdu'a. Even our daily prayers itself, some of it are in the form of Du'a. If not Du'a is puji pujian bagi Allah. 

In Solat/Salah/Sembahyang

Let's take for example, 6th verse of Surah Al-Fatihah - "ihdinassirotal mustaqim" - "Tunjukkanlah kami ke jalan yang lurus (benar). Another one is bacaan semasa duduk antara dua sujud - "rabbigh firli warhamni" = "Ya Tuhanku! Ampunkanlah dosaku dan rahmatkan aku". These are Du'a, and by knowing the meaning we should be able to feel Khusyuk and really feel that we need His forgiveness. 

In Dzikir - before you sleep

There are many Dzikir that you can recite on a daily basis. For example, before we sleep we can recite "Astaghfirullah halladzim alladzi la ilaha illa huwalhayyul qayyum wa atubu ilai ih" - siapa yang membaca sebelum tidur, nescaya Allah akan menghapuskan dosanya, walau banyaknya seperti buih-buih di laut. MASHA ALLAH!! Guys just take a moment and remember this dzikir because it's just too easy! You say Allah is Ar-Rahman (Maha Pemurah), now tell me how pemurah Allah Subhana Wata'ala atu! It's just beyond our imagination!  This is one quick reminder for you and for myself betapa Pemurahnya Allah atu. We Dzikir is actually part of our wirid if you don't realise it! so you should know it by now.

In Dzikir - before Asar prayer and after Asar prayer

Alhamdulillah who wants to know a secret which you can practice that would clear your sins the past 7 days or your next 7 days? An Ustaz told me a treasure in the form of information. He said to me by reciting these Dzikir 70 times, Allah will forgive your sins the last 7 days and also your future 7 days (from the day you recite the Dzikir) insya Allah.

 Sins from past 7 days will be forgiven insya Allah by reciting:
Astaghfirullah hal adzim (70 times) - Before Asar prayer

Sins for the next 7 days will be forgiven insya Allah by reciting:
KhasbunAllah wani'mal wakhil (70 times) - After Asar prayer

For now thats all i can remember for ways that would clear our sins, the practical way.  In the mean time i need your input on this to put more stuff so that you can share with me and others and i will post it up here. Barang ani barang bepahala - ingat Sabda Rasulullah (S.A.W)? 

"Sebarkanlah ajaranku walau satu ayat pun"

"Nescaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. Dan barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar." (Surah Al- Ahzab:71)

to be continued..

Monday, October 5, 2009

Raudah - Satu satunya kebun syurga di dunia

ImHalal the new Google yo!

For the first time now, there is an Islamic search engine which aims at providing a general purpose search that is free of "haram" content, i.e. offensive contents (ehem ehem) that contradicts with Islamic laws and beliefs. The search engine is wisely called, and i bet we will see widely increased interest in such a service from conservative people, and parents who wants to keep their kids off the harmful web contents. 

There's an article from Times Online which has an interesting article about ImHalal. It says "a new search engine designed to help Muslims navigate the web without running into potential "sinful" material. So guys you better be careful better take a note on this yea. 

The service was developed by the Dutch company AZS Media Group. Hehe. You hear that? A Dutch company! I bet they're muslims. Currently ImHalal functions in 15 different languages, and the developers expect it to really take off in the Middle East.

ImHalal works like any other search engine, you type in a keyword and hit enter, except, here if you enter a potentially risky word you will get a message telling you the level of risk you will be exposed to if you run the search. Results deemed to level 3 out of 3 will not run at all. 

To reach it's HALAL goal, the site seems to be using two method. One is by filtering out "Haram" sites and contents, and this can be seen clearly from the image search, which is still in Beta. When searching for various keywords or celebrity names for example, results from are much more decent in this regard than Google and Yahoo in their strict mode. 

Happy "safe" searching guys! literally for guys! haha but yea this is serious! Internet could be one place where most of the syaitan are now usually hang out especially in this modern world! Allahuma ajirnie minnannar (Jauhkan kami dari Neraka jahannam)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The meaning of "Keluar" for Tabligh

Para Sahabah "Keluar" di jalan Allah

Sebanyak 150 jemaah telah dihantar dari Madinah dalam masa 10 tahun tersebut. Baginda s.a.w. sendiri telah menyertai 25 daripada jemaah-jemaah tersebut. Sebahagian jemaah tersebut terdiri daripada 10,000 orang, ada yang 1,000 orang, 500 orang, 300 orang, 15 orang, 7 orang dan sebagainya. Jemaah-jemaah ini ada yang keluar untuk 3 bulan, 2 bulan, 15 hari, 3 hari dan sebagainya. 125 jemaah lagi sebahagiannya terdiri daripada 1000 orang, 600 orang, 500 orang dan sebagainya dengan masa 6 bulan, 4 bulan dan sebagainya.

Sekiranya kita menghitung dengan teliti maka akan didapati purata masa yang diberikan oleh setiap sahabat untuk keluar ke jalan Allah dalam masa setahun ialah antara 6 hingga 7 bulan.

Sahabat keluar 5 tahun

Pada tahun 627M satu rombongan sahabat-sahabat Nabi S.A.W yang diketuai oleh Wahab bin Abi Qabahah dikatakan telah mengunjungi Riau dan menetap selama 5 tahun di sana (sebelum pulang ke Madinah)

(dipetik dari kitab 'Wali Songo dengan perkembangan Islam di Nusantara', )

Sahabat keluar 6 bulan
Bara’ Radiyallahu 'anhu meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam telah mengutus Khalid ibne-Walid Radiyallahu 'anhu kepada penduduk Yamen untuk mengajak mereka masuk Islam. Bara berkata: Aku juga termasuk dalam jamaah itu. Kami tinggal di sana selama 6 bulan. Khalid radiyalaahu anhu selalu mengajak mereka untuk masuk Islam, tetapi mereka menolak ajakannya.

Kemudian Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam mengutus 'Ali ibne-Abi Talib Radiyallahu 'anhu ke sana dan memerintahkan kepada Khalid r.a. untuk kembali dengan seluruh jamaah kecuali salah seorang dari jamaah Khalid r.a. yang mahu menemani Ali r.a, maka ia boleh ikut serta dengan Ali r.a. Bara r.a berkata: Akulah yang menemani Ali r.a. selama di sana. Ketika kami betul-betul dekat dengan penduduk Yaman, maka mereka keluar dan dan dating kehadapan kami. Lalu Ali r.a. mengatur shaf mereka untuk mengerjakan solah dan Ali yang menjadi imam dalam solah kami.
Selesai solah, Ali r.a membacakan isi surat Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam kepada mereka. Setelah mendengar isi surat Rasulullah sallalaahu alayhi wasalam itu maka seluruh Bani Hamdan masuk Islam. Kemudian Ali r.a. menulis surat kepada Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam yang isinya memberitahukan tentang ke-Islaman mereka kepada baginda. Setelah isi surat tersebut dibacakan kepada Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, maka baginda langsung sujud syukur kepada Allah Swt. Setelah mengangkat kepala, baginda berdoa: Keselamatan bagi Bani Hamadan. Keselamatan bagi Bani Hamadan. (Bukhari, Baihaqi, Bidayah-wan-Nihayah)

(Dipetik dari kitab Muntakhab Ahadith, bab Dakwah dan Tabligh,)

Keluar 4 bulan
Ibn Juraij berkata: “Ada seseorang yang menceritakan kepada saya bahawa pada suatu malam ketika Umar radiyalaahu anhu sedang berkeliling (ghast) di sekitar lorong-lorong kota Madinah, tiba-tiba beliau mendengar seorang wanita sedang melantunkan sya’ir:
”Betapa panjang malam ini dan betapa gelap di sekelilingnya, Daku tidak boleh tidur kerana tiada yang tersayang yang boleh ku ajak bercumbu Andai bukan kerana takut berdosa kepada Allah yang tiada sesuatu pun dapat menyamaiNya Sudah pasti ranjang ini di goyang oleh yang lainnya."

Ketika Umar r.a. mendengar sya’irnya itu, maka dia bertanya kepada wanita tersebut, “Apa yang terjadi padamu?” Wanita itu menjawab, “Saya sangat merindukan suami saya yang telah meninggalkan saya selama beberapa bulan.” Umar r.a. betanya, “Apakah kamu bermaksud melakukan hal yang buruk?” Wanita itu menjawab, “Saya berlindung kepada Allah.” Umar r.a. berkata, “Kuasailah dirimu! Sekarang saya akan mengutus orang untuk memanggil suami mu.”
Setelah itu Umar r.a. bertanya kepada anak perempuannya Hafsah r.anha, “Aku akan bertanya padamu mengenai sesuatu masalah yang membingungkan aku, mudah-mudahan kamu boleh memberi jalan keluar untukku. Berapa lama seorang wanita mampu menahan kerinduan ketika berpisah dari suaminya?” Mendengar pertanyaan itu, Hafsah r.anha menundukkan kepala merena merasa malu. Umar r.a. berkata, “ Sesungguhnya Allah tidak pernah merasa malu dalam hal kebaikan.” Hafsah menjawab sambil berisyarat dengan jari tangannya, “Tiga sampai empat bulan.” Kemudian Umar r.a. menulis surat kepada setiap amir (pimpinan) pasukan tentera Islam supaya tidak menahan anggota pasukannya lebih dari 4 bulan.”

(Riwayat Abdur Razzaq dalam kitab Al-Kanz Jilidl VIII, m/s.308).
Ibnu 'Umar (Radiallahu'Anhu) mengatakan bahawa pada suatu malam Umar r.a. keluar (untuk melihat ehwal orangramai), tiba-tiba beliau mendengar seorang wanita sedang bersya’ir:

"Betapa panjang malam ini dan betapa gelap di sekelilingnya Aku tidak boleh tidur kerana tida yang tersayang yang boleh kuajak bercumbu."
Kemudian Umar r.a. bertanya kepada Hafsah r.anha, berapa lama wanita dapat bertahan tidak bertemu dengan suaminya?” Hafsah r.anha menjawab, “Enam atau empat bulan.” Maka Umar r.a. berkata, “Untuk selanjutnya saya tidak akan menahan tentera lebih dari masa itu.”

(Hr. Baihaqi dalam kitabnya jilid IX m/s 29)

[seperti yang dipetik dari kitab Hayatus Sahabah, bab Al-Jihad]

Keluar 40 hari

"Seorang lelaki telah datang kepada Saiyidina Umar ibnu Khattab r.a. maka Saiyidina Umar r.a. pun bertanya: Di manakah engkau berada? Dijawabnya: Saya berada di Ribat. Saiyidina Umar r.a. bertanya lagi: Berapa hari engkau berada di Ribat itu? Jawabnya tiga puluh hari. Maka berkata Saiyidina Umar r.a.: Mengapa kamu tidak cukupkan empat puluh hari?

(Kanzul Ummal, Juzuk 2 muka surat 288, dipetik dari kitab 'Risalah ad Dakwah)

Keluar 3 hari

Daripada Ibnu Umar r.a. berkata: Nabi SAW telah memanggil Abdul Rahman bin Auf r.a. lalu bersabda: Siap sedialah kamu, maka sesungguhnya aku akan menghantar engkau bersama satu jama'ah maka menyebut ia akan hadis dan katanya: Maka keluarlah Abdul Rahman hingga berjumpa dengan para sahabatnya, maka berjalanlah mereka sehingga sampai ke suatu tempat pertama bernama Daumatul Jandal, maka manakala ia masuk ke kampung itu ia mendakwah orang-orang kampung itu kepada Islam selama tiga hari. Manakala sampai hari yang ketiga dapat Islamlah Asbagh bin Amru al Kalbi r.a. dan adalah ia dahulunya beragama Nasrani dan ia ketua di kampung itu.

(Hadith riwayat Darul Qutni, dipetik dari kitab 'Risalah ad Dakwah)

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Daily Hadith - Supplicating for Deceased

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "When An-Najashi died, the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, 'Pray for forgiveness for him.'" [Jami At-Tirmidhi - sahih hadith]

We learn here that on being informed about someone's death with the utterance of "we belong to Allah/ inna lillah", one should also supplicate for his/her forgiveness, so that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) may forgive us as well.