Saturday, December 12, 2009

Doa before entering the grave area

For some of you who goes to Solat Jumaah every Friday at Masjid Pekan Seria you should know by the name of Imam Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Muhammad Jefri. If you don't know this guy he is one of the youngest Imam I have met whom I respect due to his contribution to Masjid Seria. Like any other Masjid in Brunei (from what i have observed) on Friday noon, if you come early you would not see many people in the Masjid but in Masjid Seria, as early as 11.50-12.00pm you would see lots of people already. Only for one reason, they want to attend ceramah by Imam Zulilhimli. What i like about his ceramah is that he convey the message with humour, with real situation in Brunei, with passion. Seria people knows that one of this particular Imam's passion is Astronomy.

I have come across a few lectures he made in the Masjid where he even use the projector (connected to his Laptop) he showed us and guide us how the earth and all the galaxies came about. I remembered i sat on the front row and looking at our planet and it felt like i'm 8 years old again. You would be amaze on how a local imam knows so much about the astronomy and how he links it with the creation of Allah. Subhanallah! May his work be rewarded by Allah.

Here I have uploaded one of the many of his ceramah:

Ok going back to our main topic here that is doa before before entering the grave. A lot of people (user to be me) are still practicing the wrong etiquete when entering the graveyard. Especially when people say Assalamu'alaykum Ya ahlil Kubur. Who came up with this idea?? By saying that isn't that indicating that they're the only one saja penghuni kubur and we're not? Soon enough we will join them and that needs to be mentioned as well. I have received a leaflet from Masjid Pekan Seria which was prepared by Imam Zulihilmi  himself. It's a very informative leaflet. I have actually made lots of copies and actually distribute it in other masjid such as Masjid Serusop and Masjid Bunut. And of course to family members and close friends because I feel like I have the responsibility to pass the message.

Below is the leftlet which I have just scanned:

I have also found one good document from Mufti Brunei's website, published under the "al-Hadaf" magazine. I have already downloaded the whole magazine and extracted the part about adab menziarahi kubur. I have saved it in my scribd account which is available for viewing and download:

Friday, December 11, 2009

How to pray Solat Jenazah? - source: iPhone application

I have come acrossed one good iPhone application which is called Janaza in the App Store. It cost me $0.99 US dollar but it's ok. I don't mind spending few brunei dollars just for this application i mean hey, we buy PS3 games we buy clothes but what about spending for the sake of reminding us of Allah? I pray for Allah that i will be guided to the straight path and Insya Allah by having this application I can memorise what surah recite during the Solat Jenazah. After all this time, to be honest i was stuck on the third takbir. Now that I know I'm going to let YOU know. Now that YOU know, it's your responsibility to tell the others. Islam call that AMANAH. Hope you can benefit from this as well as myself as a reminder.

This is one of the ways i use technology (iPhone) as a source of reminder to Allah.

Maybe for other iPhone users or ANDROID/DROID user could share their Islamic Application so i can post it here. Just to share.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is it Wajib for Men to pray in the Masjid?

The Prophet (S.A.W) was so concerned that people should attend the congregational prayers (beimam) in the mosque that he wanted to burn down the houses of those who failed to join the congregation:

"By the One in Whose hand is my soul, I wanted to give orders that wood should be gathered and brought to me, then I would have ordered the call to prayer to be given, and would have appointed a man to lead the prayer, then I would have gone to the ones who were absent from the congregation and burnt their houses down around them," (Bukhari and Muslim).

I've got this from "The Ideal Muslim" book page 30. This hadith is really an eye opener for me. The first time i read it i couldn't believe it at once I had to read it for three time just to get it into my head. I mean this is narrated by one of the top Imam para-para Tabi'in. Who have not heard of Bukhari and Muslim. Mustahil inda tau. For us to heard a hadtih from them we know that it is Sahih (valid/authentic). 

Alhamdulillah before coming across to this hadith from this book I have been reminded by a friend of mine, who have read a book which is published in Malaysia saying that those who lives around 40 houses away from the Masjid, their prayer in their houses will not be accepted. Subhanallah! Alhamdulillah right after he said this I started to pray at the masjid. And besides, who else will be the jemaah of our local masjid but not us the villagers? make sense right??

Probably what really motivates me to pray in the masjid comes from one Hadith Sahih narrated by Muslim (I also got it from The Ideal Muslim book),

"If he performs wudoo' properly, then goes out with the sole intention of going to pray in the masjid, then for each step he takes, his status in Paradise will be raised by one degree, and one of his sins will be forgiven. When he prays, as long as he remains in his place of prayer and his wudoo' does not become invalidated, the angels will continue to pray for him: 'O' Allah, bless him, O' Allah, have mercy on him,' He is regarded as being in a state of prayer so long as he is waiting for the prayer."

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) spoke of the promise of Paradise for the one who is keen to pray in congregation in the masjid morning and evening:

"Allah will prepare a place in Paradise for the one who goes to the mosque in the morning or in the evening, each time he goes to the mosque." (Bukhari and Muslim)

source: "The Ideal Muslim" book

Ada lagi satu hadith by Muslim. 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood (RadiAllahuan) berkata:

.."Allah has shown your Prophet the way of guidance, and these prayers (in the mosque) are part of that way. If you pray in your homes like this man who stayed in his home, then you have abandoned the sunnah of your Prophet, and if you have abandoned the sunnah of your Prophet, then you have gone astray.."

Distance was never been a masaalah untuk para Sahaabah dulu atu, who would attend the mosque whenever they heard the call to prayer, no matter how far their homes were from the masjid. 

Kitani ambil satu crita dari Ubayy ibn Ka'b berkata:

"There was a man of the Ansaar whose house was farther from the masjid than anyone else I knew, but he never missed a prayer! Someone asked him,'Why do you not buy a donkey to ride when it is dark or it is very hot? He said,'I would not like my house to be next to the masjid, because I want my walking to the mosque then back home to my family to be recorded among my good deeds.' (Muslim)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Makkah extension proposal leaked!!!

Masha Allah! At first i can't believe my eyes! but man this is great news to all the muslim hopefully Allah would give us long life to have the opportunity to visit Mecca once the renovation has completed. Insya Allah. Allahu akbar! Besides what does King Abdullah have to worry about..with the country that is so rich in oil..I mean if you think about it..Allah has chosen the King of Arabia to be the host for the "guest of Allah" and this would mean money to manage all of the millions of people coming in and out of Mecca. It's amazing how coincidently that the country is so rich with oil automatically helping the King to manage the guests.

And now with the plan has been leaked, you could imagine how much it would cost King Abdullah to make it happen. We should thank Allah first of all for nourishing the land in Arab with oil.

What do you think of the new plan? Let's discuss. Post a comment.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Shaykh Yusuf Estes Convert to Islam! MASHA ALLAH! It'll make you cry!

If you have not heard of the name Yusuf Estes he is one of the prominent islamic scholars of our time. For more info please follow the link below:


Islam Tomorrow (his own website)

Masha Allah! From this video one lesson i've learned is that to do Daawah sometimes you don't really need to actually speak about Islam, speak about our Prophet, but actually i believe with the statement of "Action speaks louder than words". Thats what our brother Mohammad Abdul Rahman has shown to Shaykh Yusuf Estes before he converted to Islam. Spend a little bit of your precious time to watch this video hopefully it will bring benefit to you insya Allah.

If you somehow cannot play the video click the link below:


Friday, November 27, 2009

Panduan Solat Sunat Hari Raya


-Solat hari raya dua rakaat dimulai dengan ihram diikuti dengan doa iftitah.
-Kemudian bertakbir sebanyak tujuh kali sambil mengangkat tangan selari dengan bahu sebagaimana takbiratul ihram
-Hendaklah diselangi di antara dua takbir sekadar masa membaca satu ayat sederhana dan sunat membaca di antaranya

" Subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ila ha illallah wallahuakbar "
(Yang bermaksud, Maha suci Allah, dan segala pujian bagi Allah dan tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan Allah Maha Besar.

-Seterusnya membaca "Auzubillahi minasy syaitonirrajim", Fatihah dan satu surah atau beberapa ayat.
-Selepas takbir ketika bangun pada rakaat kedua, hendaklah bertakbir sebanyak lima kali sebelum memulakan bacaan dan setiap takbir diselangi dengan bacaan tasbih sebagaimana yang disebutkan tadi.
Para ulama telah ijma' tentang cara-cara solat hari raya berdasarkan hadith;

Yang bermaksud, Amru bin 'Auf al-Muzani R.A meriwayatkan Nabi S.A.W bertakbir ketika solat dua hari raya (Aidil Fitri dan Aidil ADha) , pada rakaat yang pertama sebanyak 7 kali sebelum membaca Fatihah dan pada rakaat yang akhir sebanyak 5 kali sebelum membaca Fatihah.


Perkataan 'id berasal daripada 'aud bererti ulangan. Ini kerana sama ada hari raya itu berulang pada setiap tahun atau kegembiraannya berulang setiap kali menjelang hari raya atau banyak nikmat Allah dikurniakan kepad hamba-Nya pada hari raya tersebut.


Solat 'Idil Fitri dan 'Idil Adha telah disyariatkan pada tahun Hijrah yang kedua. Solat hari raya pertama yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W ialah solat 'Idil Firi pada tahun yang kedua Hijrah tersebut.

Sementara dalil pensyariatannya pula ialah firman Allah yang ditujukan kepada Nabi S.A.W

Yang bermaksud ;

"Oleh itu kerjakanlah sembahyang kepada Tuhanmu semata-mata dan sembelihlah korban (sebagai bersyukur)"

'Ulama tafsir menyatakan maksud sembahyang dalam ayat tersebut ialah solat 'Idil Adhha. Hal ini berdasarkan hadith,

Yang bermaksud ;

"daripada Abu Sa'id al-Khudri R.A katanya, "Rasulullah S.A.W pergi ke musolla pada hari 'Idil Fitri dan 'Idil Adha. Perkara pertama yang Baginda lekukan ialah solat. Kemudian Baginda berpaling menghadap orang ramai yang masih duduk di dalam saf mereka, lalu Baginda memberikan nasihat dan menyampaikan apa-apa arahan kepada mereka. Jika hendak menghantar pasukan pejuang atau menyampaikan apa-apa arahan, Baginda membuat keputusan dan mengarahkannya pada masa itu. Selepas itu Baginda pun bersurai.


Solat Hari Raya ialah sunnat muakkad. Ini kerana Rasulullah S.A.W tidak pernah meninggalkannya sejak mula disyariatkan sehinggalah Baginda wafat. Begitu juga para sahabat terus melakukannya selepas itu.

Berdasarkan hadith daripada Abu Sa'id al-Khudri yang terdahulu, solat hari raya disyari'atkan secara berjamaah namun sah dilakukan secara bersendirian.

Begitu juga ia disyari'atkan berjamaah ke[ada semua mukallaf sama ada lelaki, perempuan, bermukim, musafir, orang bebas atau hamba, kecuali perempuan yang berhias atau yang memungkinkan fitnah. Mereka hendaklah bersolat di rumah sahaja.
Solat hari raya tidak wajib berdasarkan hadith,

Yang bermaksud, sabda Rasulullah S.A.W kepada seorang yang bertanya tentang solat yang difardhukan, "Lima solat sehari semalam. Baginda ditanya lagi, adakah wajib atasku selain daripada itu? Baginda menjawab, tidak kecuali engkau ingin mengerjakan solat sunat".


Waktu solat hari raya bermula dari matahari terbit hingga gelincir.

Bermulanya hari adalah apabila fajar terbit. Pada waktu itu dilakukan solat Subuh sebelum matahari terbit dan solat Zuhur selepas mataharigelincir. Namun waktu solat hari raya yang afdhal adalah ketika matahari naik tinggi segalah. Ini kerana Nabi S.A.W sentiasa melakukannya pada waktu tersebut.

Selepas selesai solat hari raya sunat melakukan dua khutbah. Secara ringkasnya adalah seperti berikut :

1) Khutbah hendaklah selepas solat hari raya. Ia berlainan dengan khutbah Jumaat
2) Semua rukun dan sunat khutbah Jumaat adalah sama digunakan pada khutbah hari raya
3) Khutbah yang pertama sunat dimulakan dengan takbir sebanyak 9 kali dan khutbah yang kedua dengan takbir sebanyak 7 kali

Sumber : Manhaj Fiqh I (m/s 511-521)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Free books at

Assalamu'alaykum wrtb to all my respected brothers and sisters and Islam. I've been wanted to share with you a website which i have found a few years ago which is Basically this website is like a big universal library which stores electronic copy of books. Ranging from .doc, xls, ppt, pdf you name it all kinds of document data. Some even have scanned books which is converted to pdf files. And what i like about it is that it enables us to upload any of our document and quickly share it with others. It stores somewhere in the cloud and as far as i know they don't have any storage limitation .And you know what's great about this website? IT'S FREE TO DOWNLOAD! MASHA ALLAH!

It's funny how hard sometimes to get a particular book that you wanted to so bad  but can't find it in your local book stores. I had one book which is called The Ideal Muslim which i've been looking for a long time (recommended by a friend) and during Umrah early this year finally got it from Medinah. Few months after that, remembering back that i had an account with scribd, who would have thought that this book that i just bought was/is available on this website (was just trying out typing "The Ideal Muslim"). And it's FREE to download! to any format you of your preference!!!

Here's the link if you don't believe me:

You can also find a book called The Ideal Muslimah (which is for the female) under the same Author (Muhammad Ali- Al-Hashimi)

From my opinion The Ideal Muslim is one of the must-read book for any Muslim.

So please bookmark this website to your Safari or IE browser. You can play around with it if you want simply by typing in the book that you want to look for or simply a subject (e.g. Solat Sunat Tahajjud or What is sunnah). Oh btw it also contains malay books as well. Lots of them.

Happy browsing


Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W - Solollohu alaihi wassallam) leave TWO THINGS behind. WHAT ARE THOSE?? I let you hear from our Shaykh Imran Hosein himself.

Abdullah ibn Mas'ood said: "if you pray in your homes like this man who stayed in his home, then you have abandoned the sunnah of your Prophet, then you have gone astray".

source: The Ideal Muslim by Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi.

So from this story we can conclude that SUNNAH is a must! But please do not get confuse between SUNNAH and SUNAT (Mustahabb). Those two are have totally different meaning.

Sunnah (سنة /ˈsunna/, plural سنن sunan /ˈsunæn/) is an Arabic word that means habit or usual practice. The Muslim usage of this term refers to the sayings and living habits of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. The Sunnah of Muhammad includes his specific words, actions, and practices. It is significant to the spirituality of Islam because it addresses ways of life dealing with friends, family, and government

Sunat on the other hand..

Sunat/Mustahabb (Arabic مستحبّ, literally "recommended") is an Islamic term referring to recommended, favored or virtous actions. Mustahabb actions are those whose status of approval in Islamic law (ahkam/hukum) falls between mubah (neutral) and wajib (actions which must be performed). One definition is "duties recommended, but not essential; fulfilment of which is rewarded, though they may be neglected without punishment" (Reuben Levy, The Social Structure of Islam, p. 202). Synonyms of mustahabb can be masnun or mandub. The opposite of mustahabb is makruh. In other words, di buat dapat pahala, inda di buat inda dapat apa apa (or inda papa).

Monday, November 16, 2009

Toilet Islam

It's a shame really on how we have not taken care of our toilet within our Masjid. Of all places we have left out and ignored or take lightly the cleanliness of our Masjids' toilet. This could give a wrong perception of Islam whenever a non-muslim happen to use them. We need to tackle this.

"The Pursuit of Cleanliness" by Baba Ali 

Du'a before entering toilet

Du'a after leaving the toilet

The Islamic faith has particular rules regarding personal hygiene when going to the toilet. This code is known as Qadaahul Haajah (Qoda Hajat) and is extremely prescriptive. 

Let's relate to what our brother Baba Ali has said to our Masjids toilet in Brunei. Let's put that in a test shall we? Below are some of the images of some of the toilets in our Masjid.

Thanks for the brother who had sent me this image. I'm not going to say much about this image or from which masjid it's taken from. I'll just leave it as it is.

Went to the toilet at one of the masjid in mmm somewhere during Jummah prayer. The funny thing about this toilet is that you were not allowed to wear any shoes or slippers and yet the floor was not clean. Not at all! So what i did i just used my shoes because i do care more about cleanliness than the already dirty toilet. I wish i could raise a fund raiser somehow to have this fixed. I mean look at the toilet at the hotels in our country! are you saying that those hotels are much more important than the masjid??

Are you saying we have all the money but we ain't got the money to fix our local masjids' toilet?? help me out here!! i think i really should raise a fund raiser. What say you? But before that I need you're support by taking pictures of your local masjid. See whether it's happening at your masjid or not.

Send them to

Jazakallah khairan

to be continued..

- what are the rules set by our Prophet Rasulullah (S.A.W) whenever we're in the toilet

Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Local Masjid

Assalamu'alaykum. I think maybe you all could contribute some pictures of your Masjid you normally go to, or any Masjid Insya Allah i will post it up here. (refer to the right pane of this blog). 

My next topic would be "In Pursuit of Cleanliness". Have you ever visited to our toilet of our local Masjid recently?? You know what i'm talking about. We claim ourselves as Muslimc, but look at the toilet of our local Masjid? interesting huh. So before i post it up why don't you send me pictures of your local Masjid's toilet. I will try to take some pictures myself. See if this is truly the case for all the masjid within Brunie. This will be interesting. Insya Allah our effort here not to condemn our Masjid but rather to improve the situation. 

email me at

OTHER STORIES: Cat Stevens fans await their hero's return

The following are some of the edited version of Yusuf's interview with CNN:

CNN: Can you tell us about the musical?
Yusuf: It's not quite a mirror of my life. I've taken the liberty of extending it into a fable-like, spiritual story about a boy, who like many boys -- like me -- had a dream of wanting to find something he didn't have. In this world that we've created, it's permanent night time, there's only a moon and there's no days. This boy has dreamed of finding a world where there's sunshine, light and heat. It's kind of like paradise. I've integrated that kind of story in with my songs. A lot of songs are about seeking that place ... an intangible place, which usually are about finding, not the outer world, but the inner world.

CNN: Why did you abandon your pop career in the 1970s?
Yusuf: I tried any times to get out of it. I was hit by a bout of tuberculosis which took me away from the music world that I'd just entered and then things got bigger and more successful. I tried to find out where I really wanted to go at certain points in my life: I studied different spiritual paths; I was a vegetarian and I studied meditation. At certain points I tried to get out of the machine but I didn't really know where I wanted to go. But when I got finally to learn a few things about Islam, to me it was a missing piece of the puzzle. A lot of people overlook it. Perhaps they're looking at the wrong kind of picture of Islam, but they don't see what I see, which is an amazing conversion of what I believed as a Christian, what I read in the Bible, and what I understood about Transcendental Meditation. It all came together in a religion which wasn't really a religion as such, more a spiritual path -- so that made a big impact on me.

For further readings click on the link below:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Identity Crisis

Alhamdulillah, based on request from our brother 'Concern' luckily i have found one lecture from Shaykh Anwar Al-Awlaki regarding identity crisis. He stated that globally we muslim are suffering from a serious identity crisis.

Also I remembered a lecture by Ustaz Dato Ismail Kamus where he had also briefly touch on this matter from his lecture "Antara Sunnah & Bid'ah part 1". He mentioned that our youth know more about a singer than he knows about our Nabi. Think about this for a moment.

Below are the lineage of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as mentioned by Ustaz Dato Ismail Kamus.

- Muhammad bin 
- Abdullah bin
- Abdul Mutallib bin
- Hashim bin
- Abi Manaf bin
- Qusai bin
- Kilab bin
- Murra bin
- Ka'b bin
- Lo'i bin
- Ghalib bin 
- Fahr bin
- Malik bin
- An-Nadr bin 
- Kinana bin
- Khuzaiman
- Mudrikah bin
- Elias bin
- Nizar bin
- Ma Ad bin
- Adnan

I have also found our Prophet's lineage as a result from Google Image. This is more detail of Rasulullah's lineage which start from our Prophet Adam alaihissalam. 

Click link below for a larger picture of the lineage

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Word of the Day: "Takwa"

Takwa iaitu mengikuti segala perintah Allah dan menjauhi segala larangan-Nya.

Malay translation - "Kitab (Al-Quran) ini tidak ada keraguan padanya;petunjuk bagi mereka yang bertakwa."

English translation - "This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah."

Source: Al-Baqarah (The Cow/Sapi Betina)- Ayat ke 2


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Shaykh Anwar Al-Awlaki - What happen to our soul once we died?

Do you know what will happen to your soul once you die? Most of us know about the questioning of the two two angels, Munkar dan Nankir. But what happen just before that. Shaykh Anwar Al-Awlaki had briefly explained this just after our soul leaves our body.

Shaykh Anwar Al-Awlaki is one of the prominent American-Yemeni scholars in Islam in the United States. He was born in Yemen but then migrated to the US and now he is one of them Imam at one of the many mosque in the US (i think Imam of the one of the Masjid in California). I have listened to most of his audio lecture titles compared to other scholars due to his clear and easy-to-understand english.

This lecture i have extracted from his lecture with the title "The Importance of Death". It's a 2 hour + lecture but insya Allah i will try to extract the important bits off and share with you in the near future.

If you want to know more about him and you want to downlaod his many lectures (for free!!) please visit:

iPhone - Islamic Applications

Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullah hiwabarkatuh,

Most of you have heard of the iPhone before and some of you probably have the chance to own it by now. I have been an iPhone user since 2007 and Alhamdulillah it has made my life easier in so many ways. Especially from Islamic perspective.

Anyway as promised here are some of the many Islamic application that you could download. Some of them are free and some of them are not but most of them are free. Hopefully by sharing this application it would somehow strengthen our Imaan. Technology plays an important role too nowadays..even the Internet or blogging to be specific, we weren't be talking about Islam this easily. So let's make full use of the technology today to get us closer to Allah. Alhamdulillah hirobbil 'alamin (Segala puji pujian bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam)

Of course there are lot's more in the App Store but so far these are my favorite. FYI there are 100,000 applications available for download. Imagine that! Insya Allah we'll go through with you what does each application can do.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

When is the last time you cry for Allah or His Nabi?

Updated on 06/11/2009 - 8am

Bisimillah hirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu'alaykum wrt to all readers,

This topic is very interesting to me but before we discuss it further let's just have a look at some of the many hadiths related to this topic.

Daripada Ibnu Abbas r.anhuma katanya, aku telah mendengar Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda;“Dua (jenis) mata yang tidak akan disentuh oleh api neraka: Mata yang menangis akibat ketakutan kepada Allah dan mata yang tidak tidur berjaga di jalan Allah.” (At-Tirmizi). Dalam satu hadith yang lain: “Wajah yang dibasahi oleh air mata kerana takutkan Allah s.w.t.., walau bagaimana sedikit pun air mata itu, terselamat dari api neraka.”Bukan sahaja wajah yang terselamat, tetapi seluruh badannya dan orang itu ialah ahli syurga. Airmata memberi syafaat kepada tuannya di hari kiamat dengan izin Allah.
Menangislah kerana Allah. Pelepah tamar dan buraq pun menangis. Pelepah tamar menangis kerana Nabi tidak lagi menggunakan sebagai mimbar masjid, akhirnya dimasukkan ke dalam syurga. Bura’ menangis kerana takut nabi tak pilih dia jadi tunggangan.
Pelepah tamar menangis

Jabir RA meriwayatkan seperti disebutkan dalam hadith Bukhari, “Nabi SAW selalu bersandar pada sebatang pohon tamar, ketika menyampaikan khutbah Jumat, Sayyidina Abu Bakar mencadangkan agar dibina mimbar yang baru. Nabi SAW bersetuju dan sebuah mimbar yang terdiri dari 3 anak tangga dibangun.
Ketika Nabi SAW duduk di atas mimbar yang baru untuk berkhutbah, para Sahabat mendengar pelepah tamar itu menangis seperti anak kecil. Nabi SAW mendekati pelepah kurma yang sedang menangis ini dan bertanya kenapa ia menangis. Pelepah tamar tersebut mengatakania menangis kerana ia tidak digunakan lagi untuk mengingat Allah SWT.Rasulullah saw kemudian menyuruh agar dikafankan pelepah tamar dan mengatakan bahawa ia akan dibangkitkan di dalam syurga. Inilah satu-satunya pokok tamar di syurga yang berasal dari dunia.

Buraq menangis
Semasa peristiwa Israk Mikraj, Allah swt menyuruh Malaikat Jibrail memilih seekor Buraq untuk dijadikan tunggangan Baginda naik ke langit. Kemudian Jibrail A.S. pun pergi dan dia melihat 40,000 buraq sedang bersenang-lenang di Jannatu Adnin (taman Syurga) dan di wajah masing-masing terdapat nama Muhammad. Jibril bertanya kepada Allah, buraq manakah yang harus dipilih kerana semuanya elok, maka Allah menyuruhnya memilih Buraq yang menangis.
Di antara 40,000 buraq itu, Jibrail A.S. terpandang pada seekor buraq yang sedang menangis bercucuran air matanya. Jibrail A.S. menghampiri buraq itu lalu bertanya, “Mengapa engkau menangis, ya buraq? “Berkata buraq, “Ya Jibrail, sesungguhnya aku telah mendengar nama Muhammad sejak 40 tahun, maka pemilik nama itu telah tertanam dalam hatiku dan aku sesudah itu menjadi rindu kepadanya dan aku tidak mahu makan dan minum lagi. Aku laksana dibakar oleh api kerinduan.”Berkata Jibrail A.S., “Aku akan menyampaikan engkau kepada orang yang engkau rindukan itu.” Kemudian Jibrail A.S. memakaikan pelana dan kekang kepada buraq itu dan membawanya kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Buraq yang diceritakan inilah yang membawa Rasulullah S.A.W dalam perjalanan Israk dan Mikraj.
Para Nabi dan umatnya juga menangis
Nabi Adam adalah nabi yang paling banyak menangis, beratus-ratus tahun lamanya setelah dikeluarkan dari syurga. Nabi Yaakob juga menangis selama 80 tahun setelah kehilangan anaknya, Nabi Yusuf. Selain itu, umat Nabi Muhammad juga menangi seperti para wali iaitu Hassan Al-Basri dan Ali Zainal Abidin, anak kepada Sayyidina Hussin.

Alhamdulillah hirobbil alamin (Segala puji pujian bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alah),

Let us recall back what we have cried for all these years. It's funny how we have cried so much for our love ones (family, girlfriend, boyfriend, worthless things) yes we cried so hard on these wordly things! It's a fact and you can't deny that. I'm speaking here not to remind you only but to remind myself also. I've been there..zaman Jahiliyah. Not just the old days during our Prophet days but until now we are still living in Jahiliyah without us realising it. Astaghfirullah.
Let's take the TV for example. TV could be a good thing (some scholars says it's Haram even to have a TV) and mostly could be a bad thing. Movies for example, some people likes to watch movies, well in fact most of us love movies, especially those Korean/Chinese movie fanatics. *cough* well i myself WAS one of them. (i don't want to be a hypocrite). It happened to me when i was a lot younger back when i was a teenager that was in 2004 when the korean movie called "A moment to remember". Man! that movie made me cry so hard sampai sidak sidak wah. But hey..those were the days I was a bit ignorant.
Listening to music
Now that I understand the real value of my tears Alhamdulillah crying for Allah Subhanahu wata'ala was i wouldn't say easy but doable. Started a few months ago when i first performed Umrah. Alhamdulillah. Listening to songs also could be very emotional specifically love songs. What you can do, you try to switch your mindset instead of thinking of your Gapren or Boypren, think of Allah. Remember this, whatever you do you always need to think of Him. 24/7! Of course listening to music as some scholars said it's Haram but i'm yet to investigate. But of course their argument was quite solid as one scholar said, music could prevent you from remembering Allah and by this way it could be haram. But for my case whenever i hear music, i relate it to Allah. You try listening to D'Masiv - Merindukan mu. You think of Allah! i'm telling will cry your ass off.
But again...there are many ways to cry for Allah especially in our last Sujud Prayer. Masha Allah some of our Imam Besar like Imam Muslim with his riwayah:
"Kedudukan hamba yang paling dekat dengan Tuhannya adalah ketika ia dalam keadaan sujud, maka perbanyaklah doa." (HR Muslim)
When you do your Du'a during this sujud make sure you do not move your mouth, yakni, berDu'a dalam hati. This is the time when you can cry like a baby..bila lagi tani kan menangis (menangis as in rasa takwa, rasa takut, rasa keAgunganNya, rasa tawaduk, rasa syukur dan sebagainya) Insya Allah with pure heart and will cry.
Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Rabb (Tuhan) kita turun disetiap malam ke langit yang terendah, yaitu saat sepertiga malam terakhir, maka Dia berfirman: Siapa yang berdoa kepadaKu maka Aku kabulkan, siapa yang meminta kepadaKu maka Aku berikan kepadanya, dan siapa yang meminta ampun kepadaKu maka Aku ampunkan untuknya." (HR Al Bukhari)

Dari Amr bin Ibnu Abasah mendengar Nabi SAW bersabda: "tempat yang paling mendekatkan seorang hamba dengan Tuhannya adala saat ia dalam sujudnya dan jika ia bangun melaksanakan sholat pada sepertiga malam yang akhir. Karena itu, jika kamu mampu menjadi orang yang berzikir kepada Allah pada saat itu maka jadilah." (HR At Tirmidzi dan Ahmad)
As i mentioned earlier, there are many ways and many reason for us to cry for Allah. Especially when you do your taubat. Some scholar say "One drop of your tears (tears for Allah) could put out the hellfire (Neraka Jahannam" MASHA ALLAH!!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Memotong Kuki Cara Rasulullah (S.A.W) - is it really?

I have to apologise to all because i have just found out there were lots of website out there saying different opinion on this referenced to different sources or Hadith. And by that I had to change to topic to a questionnaire. One colleague of mine argued about that saying that Imam Ghazali mentioned that was never been recorded and its not Sahih.

Some even recall the saying of our late Allahyarham Dr Saidun where he had once said that this is not true.

Here's one comment from our brother Ammatullah. Jazakallahu khair.


looking at this picture, if I may, can I gently ask where did you get this? and do you know the 'dalil'?

because, so far, I have found no hadith for cutting nails.. and I really want to know.

Syukran wa jazakallahu khairan.


To answer your question Ammatullah, i've got it from one website that i was not sure of of its authenticity. 

It's funny from this website, the blogger even admitted that there's no hadith that is sahih about this topic. I was being ignorant Astaghfirullah! here's a little snapshot from the website.

I have to admit at first i was so sure that this is what Rasulullah used to do and also by recalling back those years when i was in the religious school, they actually post this picture on the notice board. Astaghfirullah. May Allah Forgive Me if i was being ignorant all this time. 

But then again as i have mentioned earlier, this is debatable as i have found quite a number of website which contradicts with each other. I'll leave it to you to investigate. Let us discuss.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Who is Mahram?

Thanks to Amatullah for giving some good comment from our previous topic "Bi'da dalam perkahwinan orang Melayu". He mentioned that Fatwa Mufti Kerajaan (1994-5) book had discussed about this and he had quoted word by word from the book. Very interesting indeed. Please see the comment from this topic.

Amatullah had inspired ana to post another subject related to the previous topic. As ana have highlighted from the comment section with regards to privately holding a majlis bersanding where non-mahram are not allowed.

To continue discuss this matter, ana sure most of you know that does mahram means and some people don't. Honestly ana myself are one of the "some people". Ana not so sure who actually are those mahram people other than your immediate family such as brother, sister, uncle, aunties. I guess this is when wikipedia comes in handy. Before ana even discussed about the definition of Mahram, let's have a quick comparison between the word "Mahram" and "Muhrim"shall we?

Found one indonesian blog (Rahmat blog) which has briefly define these two words:

"Muhrim dalam bahasa Arab adalah muhrimun mim di-dhammah yg makna adalah orang yg berihram dalam pelaksanaan ibadah haji sebelum tahallul. Sedangkan Mahram bahasa Arab adalah mahramun mim di-fathah. Mahram ini berasal dari kalangan wanita yaitu orang2 yg haram dinikahi oleh seorang lelaki selama"

to be continued..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

OTHER STORIES: Bibles seized as Malaysia minorities fear fundamentalism

Subhanallah. What is happening here? Bible using the word "Allah" as a replacement to the word "God". Even though Allah means God in Arabic but the word is exclusive to Islam. This is one of the ways for the Kuffar trying to lure and confuse our Muslim brother in Malaysia between Islam and Christianty and therefore trying to pull them to christianity. May Allah guide them.

For full article from CNN please follow the link below:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bid'ah dalam perkahwinan orang melayu


I'm not going to say much on this topic because i well let Dato Ustaz Ismail Kamus quickly brief you through all the Bid'ah activities that has been going on for centuries, especially in our country. You will find this lecture hard to believe but knowing that Dato Ismail Kamus is one of the leading one of the most well known malay Ustaz that we look up to and listen to, i'm sure whatever finding he has found as a result of his lecture, are all coming from Katib-kitab yang sahih and valid belaka.

Another video relating to Marriage in Islam. Baba Ali!

Questions that you want to post to your potential wive

Friday, October 23, 2009

Celebrating Birthdays is HARAM

Assalamu'alaykum borthers and sisters,

Keifel hal? (How are you?) I hope all of you are in good health under the care of Allah Azzawajal. If you're not in good health then Salamtak (get well soon). This time i want to share with you about a topic known to many and celebrated by many, that is birthdays. I don't have elaborate much further as the subject speaks itself.

I have come acrossed a lecture by our Lebanon-Australian brother who have given a lecture on a topic called Forbidden Lecture. Masya Allah i wish i can share it with you and make you realise how far we have been deviated from the straight path, without us knowing Astaghfirullah. But for this particular topic on "Birthdays" i have managed to extract the part where he talks about birthdays. So without wasting any much of your time i have uploaded it to youtube. Enjoy and May Allah guide you Insya Allah. Ittaqillah (Fear of Allah).

Daily Hadith - Supplicating for Deceased

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "When An-Najashi died, the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, 'Pray for forgiveness for him.'" [Jami At-Tirmidhi - sahih hadith]

We learn here that on being informed about someone's death with the utterance of "we belong to Allah/ inna lillah", one should also supplicate for his/her forgiveness, so that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) may forgive us as well.