Monday, November 2, 2009

Memotong Kuki Cara Rasulullah (S.A.W) - is it really?

I have to apologise to all because i have just found out there were lots of website out there saying different opinion on this referenced to different sources or Hadith. And by that I had to change to topic to a questionnaire. One colleague of mine argued about that saying that Imam Ghazali mentioned that was never been recorded and its not Sahih.

Some even recall the saying of our late Allahyarham Dr Saidun where he had once said that this is not true.

Here's one comment from our brother Ammatullah. Jazakallahu khair.


looking at this picture, if I may, can I gently ask where did you get this? and do you know the 'dalil'?

because, so far, I have found no hadith for cutting nails.. and I really want to know.

Syukran wa jazakallahu khairan.


To answer your question Ammatullah, i've got it from one website that i was not sure of of its authenticity. 

It's funny from this website, the blogger even admitted that there's no hadith that is sahih about this topic. I was being ignorant Astaghfirullah! here's a little snapshot from the website.

I have to admit at first i was so sure that this is what Rasulullah used to do and also by recalling back those years when i was in the religious school, they actually post this picture on the notice board. Astaghfirullah. May Allah Forgive Me if i was being ignorant all this time. 

But then again as i have mentioned earlier, this is debatable as i have found quite a number of website which contradicts with each other. I'll leave it to you to investigate. Let us discuss.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum

    looking at this picture, if I may, can I gently ask where did you get this? and do you know the 'dalil'?

    because, so far, I have found no hadith for cutting nails.. and I really want to know.

    Syukran wa jazakallahu khairan.



Daily Hadith - Supplicating for Deceased

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "When An-Najashi died, the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, 'Pray for forgiveness for him.'" [Jami At-Tirmidhi - sahih hadith]

We learn here that on being informed about someone's death with the utterance of "we belong to Allah/ inna lillah", one should also supplicate for his/her forgiveness, so that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) may forgive us as well.