Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sifat Solat Nabi

Alhamdulillah i'm glad to have been given this DVD called Sifat Solat Nabi by a good friend of mine at work. He bought this during his course in KL and Masya Allah this is one of the best gift I have ever received. May Allah reward him for his effort. The DVD last for more than 4 hours but slowly I have tried to extract little by little from the video and made it small small short clip based on different topics. The name of the is Ustaz Johari Abdul Wahab Al-Hafiz and this video was recorded by some of the local jemaah. Alhamdulillah. Insya Allah hopefully we  can learn together from this and make our solat as closely as to how Rasulullah solat (before, during and after solat). 

Actually this DVD initially touches on wudhu but then again I feel like most of us know the basic of wudhu already that is why i did not put it up here. So meaning to say the video that i have posted or i will be posting are based on my preference. Hopefully you feel the same way but if you feel I left out some major parts of our solat do let me know I could probably search through this 4 hours video. Insya Allah Ihdinassorotal mustaqim. 
Bab Sutrah (Pendinding) - Part 1

Sembahyang Sunat (Menemani Saudara Yang Terlepas Berjemaah) - Part 2

Cara Sembahyang Dalam Kapal Terbang - Part 3

Solat Khauf (Dalam Ketakutan) - Part 4

Cara Penyusunan Sad - Part 5

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Daily Hadith - Supplicating for Deceased

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "When An-Najashi died, the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, 'Pray for forgiveness for him.'" [Jami At-Tirmidhi - sahih hadith]

We learn here that on being informed about someone's death with the utterance of "we belong to Allah/ inna lillah", one should also supplicate for his/her forgiveness, so that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) may forgive us as well.