Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sifat Solat Nabi

Alhamdulillah i'm glad to have been given this DVD called Sifat Solat Nabi by a good friend of mine at work. He bought this during his course in KL and Masya Allah this is one of the best gift I have ever received. May Allah reward him for his effort. The DVD last for more than 4 hours but slowly I have tried to extract little by little from the video and made it small small short clip based on different topics. The name of the is Ustaz Johari Abdul Wahab Al-Hafiz and this video was recorded by some of the local jemaah. Alhamdulillah. Insya Allah hopefully we  can learn together from this and make our solat as closely as to how Rasulullah solat (before, during and after solat). 

Actually this DVD initially touches on wudhu but then again I feel like most of us know the basic of wudhu already that is why i did not put it up here. So meaning to say the video that i have posted or i will be posting are based on my preference. Hopefully you feel the same way but if you feel I left out some major parts of our solat do let me know I could probably search through this 4 hours video. Insya Allah Ihdinassorotal mustaqim. 
Bab Sutrah (Pendinding) - Part 1

Sembahyang Sunat (Menemani Saudara Yang Terlepas Berjemaah) - Part 2

Cara Sembahyang Dalam Kapal Terbang - Part 3

Solat Khauf (Dalam Ketakutan) - Part 4

Cara Penyusunan Sad - Part 5

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Kempunan"/"Sia sia pun"


“Eh tunggu, menjangkau nasi dulu, kempunan karang!..” "Sia sia pun saja!"

Sounds familiar? Adakah this practise kempunan ani ajaran Islam? Adakah ia sunnah Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W)? Or just adat urang melayu dari zaman dulu yang masih lagi di praktikkan sampai masa ani? What do you think? Dato Dr Ismail Kamus had actually touch on this isse very briefly but i am yet to get it uploaded to youtube. Insya Allah will try.

Basically he condemn on this practise. I'm not sure whether out respected Mufti Brunei has touch on this yet but i will try to find out from his fatwa archive database on his website.

I found one malaysian blogger who actually talks about this..shall i say "penyakit". Eventhough his view were not supported by any hadith or surah-surah from the Quran, for me his views should take into consideration. I mean for me what Ustaz Ismail Kamus comment was good enough for me.

Below is my edited version of the malaysian blogger comment.


Kita sering diingatkan oleh ibu bapa supaya menjamah makanan sebelum keluar rumah supaya tidak kempunan. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri, bapa saya sanggup mengambil sekepal nasi dari periuk dan memberikannya kepada saya yang sedang memakai kasut tergesa-gesa kerana sudah lambat ke tempat kerja. Selalunya saya akan mengambil nasi sekepal itu dan memakannya di hadapan bapa untuk membuktikan padanya, nasi itu sudah saya jamah. Saya akan melihat senyuman pada wajah bapa saya, seolah-olah beliau sudah menyelamatkan saya daripada musibah berakibatkan kempunan.

Apakah sebenarnya pengertian kempunan? Kempunan adalah konsep menjamah makanan yang terhidang biarpun sedikit. Bagi masyarakat Melayu lama, selera seseorang tidak boleh dibuat main kerana jika dibiarkan makanan itu tidak tersentuh walaupun hati ingin merasainya, pasti akan berlaku malapetaka yang boleh mengakibatkan kematian.

Kita pasti pernah mendengar kisah-kisah wanita mengandung yang mengidam hendak memakan sesuatu. Apabila seleranya tidak terpenuh, wanita itu akan kempunan. Mengikut cerita orang-orang tua, wanita yang kempunan selalunya menghadapi masalah ketika bersalin kerana bayinya belum merasai apa yang dihajatkan. Kesukaran melahirkan itu boleh mengakibatkan maut atau kecacatan pada bayi. Sekiranya kelahiran itu sempurna, bayi itu dikatakan air liurnya sentiasa meleleh sehingga besar, kerana kempunan makanan sewaktu dalam perut si ibu.

Ada pendapat yang mengatakan kempunan hanyalah menurut kepercayaan orang-orang melayu sahaja dan merupakan suatu kepercayaan turun-temurun. Masyarakat Melayu dahulu tidak mendapat jawapan terhadap fenomena semulajadi alam sekitar dan kesannya terhadap hidup mati manusia lantas mengaitkannya dengan ‘kempunan’. Malah, kepercayaan kempunan boleh membawa kepada SYIRIK. Misalnya, seseorang tidak menjamah makanan dan kemudian meninggal dunia. Ada orang yang mengatakan, ‘kalaulah dia makan dahulu, dia mungkin tidak mati’. Tanggapan begini menjadi syirik kerana tidak mempercayai qadak dan qadar Tuhan. Kesimpulannya, tiada istilah atau konsep ‘kempunan’ dalam agama Islam.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Other News: Holy water puts 117 Russians in the hospital

MOSCOW - More than 100 Russian Orthodox believers have been hospitalized after drinking holy water during Epiphany celebrations in the eastern city of Irkutsk, authorities in Siberia said.

A spokesman for local investigators told The Associated Press on Monday that 117 people, including 48 children, are in the hospital complaining of acute intestinal pain after drinking water from wells around a local church last week.

A total of 204 people required some medical treatment, although it is too early to say what caused the illness, Vladimir Salovarov said.
 Many Russians consider any water obtained on Epiphany — which they celebrate on Jan. 19 — to be holy.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Malaysia's Allah Dispute - what can we do to help the situation?

Remember my article dated 29th October 2009 with regards to the seizing of Bibles because they substituted the word God to Allah? Well i never expected it's going to be a big issue back then. And here we are after just a few months we heard attacks on churches and masjids. But again there from my point of view (again very limited), there must have been a mistake in the court when the court had decided to allow such substitution to be allowed on the bible as the direct translation of God. Subhanallah! What is happening here? I was not surprised with the protest made by our Muslim brothers in KL (see video below). 

But i guess politically they have won when they raised the issue of the freedom of religion and also the usage of the word Allah during pre-Islamic time. What was our defenses to this? Muslim sensitivity? That is not enough. Indeed the word Allah has/is being used in the Arabic version of the bible.

For the case of the those extremist if i may, who have started the bombing of the churches, one thing i could ask them..siapa suruh?! Islam teaches us that we do not oppress until we are being oppressed. Lain lah hal with the swedish cartoonist yang membuat cartoon on our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)..atu of course an insult, which is another form of oppression. And also these so called extremist...are they really practising Islam? are they really orang orang yang beriman? Are they really willing to participate or join for a real jihad?? 

So help me out here dear Muslim brothers and Islam. Why do they want to use the word Allah now? Why not few years ago or a decade ago? That is my only question. Apparently only Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) and Indonesia churches has been using the word Allah all this time (baru ku tau jua) and yet there were no argument being raised! ani yang mbagi paning ni. Obviously there's some miscommunication breakdown here between East Malaysia and Sabah/Sarawak. If this is being successfully practised there and now they want to spread it to East Malaysia..who knows it could spread to Brunei? (nauzubillah) 

Do not let this happen and let them produced that 'license' to spread to other countries.

Before i go i would like to share with you a lecture by my one of my favourite scholars Yusuf Estes on the topic called "Why Muslims Say Allah". Baik jua ku sampat mengupload ke youtube kan tetidur sudah..sikit. hehe. I don't want to explain to you what's the lecture about you just listen to yourself. Basically he will give you an introduction the origin of the word Allah. 

You can download more lectures from him from iTunes...FOR FREE! What i like about him is that ia berdawah with humour. He is the only funniest scholars i've ever come across. For me he is the urang putih version of Ismail Kamus.

May Allah guided us. I love you Allah..more than anything.

So what are your thoughts brothers and sister (in Islam)? Apa comment biskita..

History: Letter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) - Translated

I'm sure you have seen this letter. Not just any letter but the letter sent from our Prophet Muhammad The Al-Amin to the Governor of Bahrain Munzir Bin Sawa Al Tamimi from than than 1400 year to invite him to Islam. But some of us just stop here and not bothered asking yourself this question..what does is say in the letter? Some of us always like to wonder about this kind of stuff.  Well..wonder no more.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

From Muhammad, Prophet of Allah
To Munzir bin Sawa
May peace be on you! I praise Allah, Who is One and there none to be worshipped but except Him. I bear evidence to the Oneness of Allah and that I am a servant of Allah and His Prophet.
Thereafter I remind you of Allah. Whoever accepts admonition does it for his own good.
Whoever followed my messengers and acted in accordance their guidance; he, in fact, accepted my advice.
My messengers have highly praised your behavior. You shall continue in your present office. You should remain faithful to and His Prophet.
I accept your recommendation regarding the people of Bahrain. I forgive the offences of the offenders. Therefore, you may also forgive them
Of the people of Bahrain whoever want to continue in their Jewish or Majusi faith, should be made to pay Jizia.
Seal: Allah's Prophet Muhammad

Masha Allah! this is the word from Rasulullah himself! I can just imagine seeing him speaking those words! Insya Allah will see you face to face in Jannah ya Rasulullah! We love you so much!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Isbal (pakaian lelaki melebihi buku lali semasa solat)

Assalamu'alaykum all, for now i'm just going to share with you this lecture by Ustaz Johari, whom i talked about recently in the chatterbox. I have managed to extract this part of Isbal from his 4 hours lecture. I would say this is one of the many videos which i have found online and soon there'll be more. For me, after doing some readings and watching our ulamas' video i'm quite convince dengan kesahihan hal Isbal.

Dan saya berharap agar Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala memberi hidayah kepada Muslim yang masih melakukan Isbal pada pakaian mereka unuk melaksanakan sunnah Nabi mereka, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, yaitu dengan memendekkannya. Isbal dianggap salah satu dosa besar yang diancam dengan ancaman yang keras. Larangan untuk melakukan Isbal adalah larangan yang bersifat umum,apakah karena sombong atau tidak. Itu sama saja dengan keumuman nash. Tapi, bila dilakukan karena sombong maka hal itu lebih keras lagi kadar keharamannya dan lebih besar dosanya .

Isbal adalah suatu lambang kesombongan dan orang yang memiiki rasa sombong dalam hatinya walaupun seberat biji dzarrah tidak akan masuk surga, sebagaimana yang diterangkan dalam hadist yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim.

Wajib baginya untuk bertaubat kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala dari maksiat isbal (memanjangkan seluar) dan maksiat lainnya. Hendaklah ia memendekkan pakaiannya di atas kedua mata kaki dan menyesali apa yang telah dia lakukan selama hidupnya.

Dan hendaklah ia bertekad dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk tidak mengulangi maksiat-maksiat di sisa umurnya yang singkat ini. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala akan menerima taubat bagi orang yang mau bertaubat. Seorang yang bertaubat dari suatu dosa seperti orang yang tidak memiliki dosa. Masha Allah! 

I hope that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala menjadikan mereka sebagai orang orang yang membimbing lagi mendapatkan hidayah. 

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala telah berfirman : “Dan janganlah engkau berjalan diats muka bumi ini dengan sombong, karna sesungguhnya Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala tidak suka kepada setiap orang yang sombong lagi angkuh.”( Luqman: 18 )

Dari Umar Radiyallahu ‘anhu, ia berkata : Rasullulah (S.A.W) bersabda :
“Siapa yang menyeret pakaiannya karena sombong, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala tidak akan melihatnya di hari kiamat.” ( HR Bukhari dan yang lainnya ).
Dan dari Ibnu umar juga, Nabi bersabda :
“Isbal berlaku bagi sarung, gamis, dan sorban. Barang siapa yang menurunkan pakaiannya karena sombong, tidak akan dilihat oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala di hari kiamat.” ( Hr Abu Daud, Nasa’i, dan Ibnu Majah. Dan hadits ini adalah hadits yang sahih ).
Dari Abu Hurairah, dari Nabi Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, beliau bersabda :
“Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala tidak akan melihat orang yang menyeret sarungnya karena sombong”. (Muttafaq ‘alaihi)
Dalam riwayat Imam Ahmad dan Bukhari dengan bunyi :
“Apa saja yang berada di bawah mata kaki berupa sarung, maka tempatnya di Neraka.”
Rasullullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi Wassalam bersabda :
“Ada tiga golongan yang tidak akan diajak bicara oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala di hari kiamat. Tidak dilihat dan dibesihkan (dalam dosa) serta akan mendapatkan azab yang pedih, yaitu seseorang yang melakukan isbal (musbil), pengungkit pemberian, dan orang yang menjual barang dagangannya dengan sumpah palsu.” (Hr Muslim, Abu Daud, Turmudzi, Nasa’i, dan Ibnu Majah)

Rasullullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda :
“Sarung seorang mukmin sebatas pertengahan kedua betisnya. Tidak mengapa ia menurunkan dibawah itu selama tidak menutupi kedua mata kaki. Dan yang berada dibawah mata kaki tempatnya di neraka. (HR Malik dalam Muwaththa’ ,dan Abu Daud dengan sanad yang sahih)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Other News: Ex-British Prime Minister condemn on the Iraq War

I came across one very good story from The Brunei Times newspaper from the front cover. Finally some non-muslim saw what we saw on the war against Saddam Hossein. He explains how unfair was the war and he put it in a very simple english yet powerful statement. I mean c'mon it doesn't take a genious to think about the logic behind the war. It's true there are bad people, but what about other "bad people" from other areas and other countries? Nothing has been done to them!.

I know you guys must have lost interest on this story already but whenever news about our Muslim brother we have to know about it. Basically there's more to the wars than just capturing Saddam Hossein and the so called "weapon of mass destruction". Some people say they're going for the oil but who are we to say right? But definitely something needs to be done to those evil doers Tony Blair, Bush administration, and whoever who have supported the war.

Click the link below to read more on this particular article.

Who were the son(s) of Prophet Muhammad?

A good friend of mine once asked me if the Prophet ever had any sons. This question struck me and it made me realise I never thought about it that way because all I ever heard of was the Prophet's daughters (e.g Sayiditina Fatimah) and grandsons (Sayidina Hassan & Hussein). I believe this would be a great topic to be discussed and looked into because I have a great deal of interest and I feel my knowledge is limited on this topic. I also came across a few websites that did mention about The Prophet's sons. For example you can check out this website. However, this website stated below has no sources whatsoever and I am not very sure if it is reliable.'s_sons

There was also another website I found which to me seems much more reliable. It says that the Prophet had three sons but they all died at infancy (all of them from Khadijah). You can read more on the website by clicking the URL below.

So what are your thoughts my dear avid readers? Do not hesitate to share them with not only me, but others as well who are on the same boat.

I also apologise for the lack of updates recently. My reason is simply because I have sold my computer and have not been able to log on but now I finally got myself a new one.

Daily Hadith - Supplicating for Deceased

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "When An-Najashi died, the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, 'Pray for forgiveness for him.'" [Jami At-Tirmidhi - sahih hadith]

We learn here that on being informed about someone's death with the utterance of "we belong to Allah/ inna lillah", one should also supplicate for his/her forgiveness, so that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) may forgive us as well.